Monday 16 May 2011


Dark or light, male or female, right or wrong, up or down...

Many times we use an 'and' as a connector, but we don't really mean it, deep in our hearts. Things are either/or, and that's what the Old World keeps telling us. This Old World was built on the foundation of duality, and that very foundation crumbles beneath us.

Can we hold, as Jung would have it, 'the tension of opposites'? Can we be both right and wrong? Can we be both apprehensive and hopeful? Can we experience our personal energy as both male and female? Most of all, can we honour the dark in ourselves as we strive so strongly to be light?

It must be so. For nothing that is not held in the darkness can grow from the influence of the light. This darkness, this shadow, that we so fear in ourselves is indeed the fertile breeding ground for our best selves. We do not seek to eradicate the darkness, but to allow the seeds to germinate. And beneath them, there will be more seeds that will seek the light, to create in ourselves a perfect ecosystem of brightness and shadow.

We have been told that the things that shame us most are the very things that have made us. Made us, created us, crafted our Now. This Now is the best place we can be. Can your Now be balanced between dark and light, with no fear, and no judgements? Try it for one second and see...

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