Tuesday 31 May 2011

14 07 09 : Stop Making Sense

We wrote this reaction to a talk that we attended, regarding the mysteries of 2012. The day was rainy, cold — ridiculous really, for July, but in this part of the world, par for the course. [The heart holds many, many tears, and the heart of the world weeps whenever it must, no matter the season...]

In this, we find many words of comfort:
It is a miracle.
It is a miracle.
Duality isn't going down with out a fight... This is both/and!
Both profound and frightening; necessary, wonderful MIRACULOUS.

We are all being brought to the right place.
The ones who leaves will aid from Spirit.
Many will leave.

We must be vigilant in sending out our light and love to our family and friends and community.

We must ask for help from our angels and guides — who have brought us this far!
We can ask them to communicate with the angels of those we are close to. This is a powerful thing to do — but we can't really 'save' anyone.
Everyone has their own higher self...



Heart's desire — A Mon Seul Desir —She's giving up all the materiality AS SHE EXITS the womb.

Just as we grew in our mortal mother's womb, in the dark, so we grow in the cosmic womb, and under the same circumstances — we can't SEE, but we can hear, we develop according to divine plan, we do it all without knowing how to do it.
We need more knowing, more awareness in THIS birth, but it must come from within, and from Spirit, not from duality.
What this means is that NO ONE CAN TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.
No one can tell you it will be okay or that you will be okay. You have to know this YOURSELF.
The writing was sealed with three runes, read from right to left: Perth, Mannaz, and Sowelu.

Stop making sense, indeed. The reference to 'A Mon Seul Desir' is to the inscription on the mysterious Lady and the Unicorn tapestry that hangs in the Musée Cluny in Paris. It has always baffled experts, as it accompanies fairly straightforward depictions of the five senses. Experts who really might see that the sixth sense is the most important — if only they would acknowledge it!
So the reference is indeed germane. That's grand: we thought we were losing the plot there for a moment! WINK.

More thoughts on this very interesting piece of writing, to follow.

Sunday 22 May 2011


We have no comment on the ... build up to this non-event. In fact, we would like to tell you that the shift in energy upwards, the shift towards compassion and Christ-conscious, happened on Thursday.

Where were you on Thursday, 19 May, at 10am GMT? There was a surge of love and pure joy that was felt by many of us, and this, we believe, was the true beginning of the human race towards their higher Selves, and in consequence, closer to the Christ-consciousness.

Some of us were on public transport; others, having coffee with friends, or doing the work of Spirit. The surge came down through the crown, quietly, gently, but with power.

We too look to the holy book, and find that it is all too easy to interpret the words in a way that suits. The phrase 'like a thief in the night' springs up from the depths, and we, like anyone else would, googled it to see how it fit.

It doesn't quite fit. There are several verses that describe this phenomenon, and certainly the majority threaten us with earthquakes and fire. But these things are already happening around us, are they not? And certainly, it was night somewhere on the planet when it happened to be 10am in our part of the world.

We would say: be open. Be aware. Take the shields — gently, gently — from around your heart. Know that the process of higher human consciousness has begun. Know that the Christ-consciousness will find its place in you, in your Soul. Know that the Rapture comes from within.

Monday 16 May 2011


Dark or light, male or female, right or wrong, up or down...

Many times we use an 'and' as a connector, but we don't really mean it, deep in our hearts. Things are either/or, and that's what the Old World keeps telling us. This Old World was built on the foundation of duality, and that very foundation crumbles beneath us.

Can we hold, as Jung would have it, 'the tension of opposites'? Can we be both right and wrong? Can we be both apprehensive and hopeful? Can we experience our personal energy as both male and female? Most of all, can we honour the dark in ourselves as we strive so strongly to be light?

It must be so. For nothing that is not held in the darkness can grow from the influence of the light. This darkness, this shadow, that we so fear in ourselves is indeed the fertile breeding ground for our best selves. We do not seek to eradicate the darkness, but to allow the seeds to germinate. And beneath them, there will be more seeds that will seek the light, to create in ourselves a perfect ecosystem of brightness and shadow.

We have been told that the things that shame us most are the very things that have made us. Made us, created us, crafted our Now. This Now is the best place we can be. Can your Now be balanced between dark and light, with no fear, and no judgements? Try it for one second and see...

Tuesday 10 May 2011


No more than that? asked Spirit. No, we replied.

Could we really be that powerful? Could we really request a sum in six figures and receive it? Childhood conditioning, and old vows of poverty [honestly, we thought we'd taken care of those!] hold us back from experiencing all the abundance that Spirit has at Its disposal. There are old fears of having 'sold our soul' for something as well.

We are in the heart of the Divine Mother. This is the Mother we have all sought, especially those of us who are human mothers. We all have access to the unconditional love of the Divine. When we take her into our hearts, this unconditional quality is brought down to earth in human terms, and this is where we find our power.

What is in this great heart of the Mother? Compassion. Trust. Integrity. Joy. Humility. Everything that shall make us the best we can be.

So many are suffering material wants at the moment, but this is a blind, a way to hypnotise us into thinking that we are helpless. Reach out, beyond pride, beyond shame, and know that this situation is an extraordinary opportunity to build community and heal so many of our bloodline's wounds. Take in the gifts of the Mother, and you will sow what you have reaped.

Ask for a Miracle

So many of us are experiencing difficulties around the energy of money. We are no exception.

The bank rings, informing us of a cheque about to be returned unpaid. We begin to do the maths in our head, robbing Peter to pay Paul — intending to, as much as one can when only several hundred euros remain in savings.

Two reimbursement cheques are lost, simply gone. [That's what you get for trying to clean and clear!] Did one of our other selves, the one that is actually unafraid of the energy of money, deposit them unbeknowst to the fearful one? No... but another surprise was in store.

Our experiences with miracles has gone somewhat beyond 'fledgling', but in all honesty, not much. So when we saw that there was an additional €2000 in our savings account, it took us some time to believe our eyes.

Is this money 'real'? What is real? What is reality? the reality is, changes must be made, but they needn't be made without help. That sum exists, somehow. And the phone calls made — to explain about the lost cheques, to let the relevant person know that the returned cheque would be honoured, to request a reduction in rent — showed that there is a miracle in telling your truth, and that people are genuinely kind beings.

Ask for help. ask for a miracle. We were invited by Spirit to ask for more money. We requested a sum, and were asked 'No more than that?' That will be fine for now, we replied — we are afraid of being that powerful.