Tuesday 31 May 2011

14 07 09 : Stop Making Sense

We wrote this reaction to a talk that we attended, regarding the mysteries of 2012. The day was rainy, cold — ridiculous really, for July, but in this part of the world, par for the course. [The heart holds many, many tears, and the heart of the world weeps whenever it must, no matter the season...]

In this, we find many words of comfort:
It is a miracle.
It is a miracle.
Duality isn't going down with out a fight... This is both/and!
Both profound and frightening; necessary, wonderful MIRACULOUS.

We are all being brought to the right place.
The ones who leaves will aid from Spirit.
Many will leave.

We must be vigilant in sending out our light and love to our family and friends and community.

We must ask for help from our angels and guides — who have brought us this far!
We can ask them to communicate with the angels of those we are close to. This is a powerful thing to do — but we can't really 'save' anyone.
Everyone has their own higher self...



Heart's desire — A Mon Seul Desir —She's giving up all the materiality AS SHE EXITS the womb.

Just as we grew in our mortal mother's womb, in the dark, so we grow in the cosmic womb, and under the same circumstances — we can't SEE, but we can hear, we develop according to divine plan, we do it all without knowing how to do it.
We need more knowing, more awareness in THIS birth, but it must come from within, and from Spirit, not from duality.
What this means is that NO ONE CAN TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.
No one can tell you it will be okay or that you will be okay. You have to know this YOURSELF.
The writing was sealed with three runes, read from right to left: Perth, Mannaz, and Sowelu.

Stop making sense, indeed. The reference to 'A Mon Seul Desir' is to the inscription on the mysterious Lady and the Unicorn tapestry that hangs in the Musée Cluny in Paris. It has always baffled experts, as it accompanies fairly straightforward depictions of the five senses. Experts who really might see that the sixth sense is the most important — if only they would acknowledge it!
So the reference is indeed germane. That's grand: we thought we were losing the plot there for a moment! WINK.

More thoughts on this very interesting piece of writing, to follow.

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